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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cup of Coffee

A coffee has no particular taste. It is not sweet or sour or bitter or spicy. Yet it has an addictive taste.

Every human being is like that. Nobody is good or bad. Each person has both elements of bad and good. That is why we are humans. Only GOD is 100% perfect (I think so!!!??/)

So cherish every human being. Do not ignore anybody!!! Love all!!!

P.S. Major decisions take place over a cup of coffee!!!

Enjoying my coffee

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fire in You

Fire to motivate people or the fire to let down people
Fire to let down your ego or the fire to boost your ego
Fire to create peace in one’s life or the fire to create confusion in one’s life
Fire to help people to go to great heights or the fire to push down people from great heights

Which fire do you have in you? Good or Bad?
Fire can be used to spread light or destroy people, property or thing.
Make sure you have the good fire in you so that the light which spreads from it is uncontaminated.

Be good and do good!!!
Live and let live!!!

Firing Thought

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mind Your Own Business

How I really wish people minded their own business!!! Poking noses in others matters creates a quite lot of confusion. The person facing the brunt becomes depressed and faces the toughest phase in life...

How many of you reading this are affected this way? Please comment...

PS: A hard thing about business is minding your own.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Rainy Day

I am one of those people who do not believe in love at first sight. I never believed that anybody could instantly fall in love. I argue with my friends that there cannot be instant love like instant coffee. And for the matter of fact I do not like instant coffee too J
I, Bharath, am an engineer and work for a software consultancy. I commute through bus for work.
It was November 28, 2008, Friday. I was on my way to the bus stop. Suddenly there was a shower of rain. It instantly started raining and I took shelter under a sunshade of a building. I was just waiting there when there was a big thunder and lightning. I was scared and I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I saw a girl who was just in front of me and was about to slip in the watery mud. She balanced herself. She was dressed in pink and she was stunningly beautiful.
I kept looking at her and only at her for nearly 5 min (although she did not notice that I was staring at her). And then the rain subsided and she went off in her way while I was still dreaming not knowing what had happened to me.
I thought I should write her name next to the word for the meaning of the word pretty in the English dictionary. And then I told to my mind “Wait...Am I thinking like this? Is this me? How can just one sight of her bring about a change in me? I wasted whole 5 min of life (and for the fact that I do not believe in love at first sight or love) just staring at one girl. Is she the one for me? Was she born for me?”...

No answers to the above questions... I could not spot her anywhere after that. I spent sleepless nights thinking about that girl. There were butterflies in my stomach. I very badly wanted to meet her and tell her what I feel.

It was December 11, 2008. I was on my way home after buying vegetables. It was raining very heavily that day from the morning. I had the basket of vegetables in one hand and was holding the umbrella on the other hand. Suddenly there was heavy wind and the umbrella slipped from my hand and flew in the opposite direction towards the vegetable shop. I ran after it and finally caught it only to bump on one girl’s feet. I looked up to say sorry but I was in for a surprise. It was the same girl...And again....the same feelings all over again....How could this happen to me....She smiled at me and went her way. Again I missed talking to her.
I was just thinking how stupid I was. There was only time for me to think about what was going on in my mind rather than just say a small “hi” to her. I didn’t even know her name but I knew that I loved her a lot. I missed her a lot (is this me???!!!).

I was disturbed and the next day, not knowing what to do, I went to the beach early in the morning. I was gazing at the water when it started to drizzle. I just stood up and turned around to leave when what I saw was really surprising. I saw her again. She was at a distance and she gave me a bewildered surprising look. She ran away from my sight. I was shocked and surprised this time. What was the connection between the rain and her. Whenever it rained I saw her and was it that whenever I was destined to meet her it rained. I was puzzled.

For the next three days, it rained heavily. I hoped to see her only because I believed that whenever it rained I would see her. But it did not happen this time. I did not meet her. The weather forecast reported heavy rains for the next 24 hours.
It was December 15, 2008. It was raining cats and dogs. I was on my way to office. I was very disturbed mentally and was tired too. I was standing in the middle of the road just to the other side and reach the bus stop. I was also looking around if I could spot “her”. Suddenly I could feel two hands pushing me to the corner of the road and a scrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeccchhhhh and aahhhhhhh sound. It all happened in one second. I came to conscience and turned only to see “HER” lying dead in the middle of the road. She was hit by a car, which would have hit me if she hadn’t pushed me. She has saved my life. Rain drops fell on her and by the side of her was a book. I opened the book. The first page read VARSHA. Must be, no definitely, her name. The meaning of her name is “rain”. What a relation? Then there was a letter in the book. It read

Hi Bharath
I know you would be shocked thinking about the fact how I know your name. There are few more surprises on your way as you read this letter. Your friend Rahul is my close friend too. I have been following you for the past one year. I know about your family members and the whole history about you. I know how you react if you are angry, happy or sad. I know your hobbies. In short I know almost everything about you. I am in love with you for the past one year. I was very careful not to come in front of you at least for the next few months. But that day, the day when you first met me, I never knew you were taking shelter there (the place where you met me). I was like....why did it rain??
Then you met me in the vegetable shop. Seriously I did not expect you there. And then in the beach. It is my daily habit to go for a walk every morning in the beach. But to my surprise I found you there too. I was thinking about the connection between rain and our meeting each other. I also knew that you also loved me because you had told about me and your love for me to Rahul. So I thought this hide-and seek should end and I chose this rainy day to propose to you.

I have nothing else to give to you except love...Love you lots and I hope our marriage day should also be on some rainy day.
With love and only love

There was rain in my eyes. I never knew she was so much in love with me.
She had planned to propose to me on that rainy day but she wouldn’t have known that she would be no more after that day to love me. My heart felt very heavy. I hugged her tight and kissed her. After all I had all the rights...

Her memories were frozen in my heart.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Just about a debatable topic...
Does marriage mean girls are being trapped....
Many say it is the other way around...that men are being trapped...
But I do not know...
Girls have to ask permission to go to their parents place after marriage, although this is not the case in everybody's life. I have seen many women who are visiting and staying at the parents place for long and visit their in-laws rarely.

Many girls parents are treated like dirt as if they have done a great sin...Probably the biggest sin is that they have given birth to a girl....

How to rectify this...Any suggestions???

On a serious note