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Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Just about a debatable topic...
Does marriage mean girls are being trapped....
Many say it is the other way around...that men are being trapped...
But I do not know...
Girls have to ask permission to go to their parents place after marriage, although this is not the case in everybody's life. I have seen many women who are visiting and staying at the parents place for long and visit their in-laws rarely.

Many girls parents are treated like dirt as if they have done a great sin...Probably the biggest sin is that they have given birth to a girl....

How to rectify this...Any suggestions???

On a serious note


  1. Its a debatable topic indeed.Though Women have the liberty to let their voices out now-a days instead of crying behind the walls...yet very very few succeed in it.

    I have witnessed that still womens are treated as womens who should support their husbands and their family wherein mens are treated as GOD or gift to the family..(though few are exceptions ).
    The world never will change,it will be as it is now.We Women have to change while we grow up our boy kids(change their mentality to think women are not weak) ....for the future generations to benefit..this is just a drop...someday makes a pond an ocean.

  2. Yes Uma, I am very keen that I do not inculcate that "I am a boy/man" feeling in my son. But again it is not in our hands...depends on the people around you thats how all happens....
