My Blog List

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Break

Hi All
I have come to my parents place for vacation and am enjoying every bit of it. A superb break for me and the kids. Had my favorite foods, watched my favorite programs...

It is always fun to be at your parents place and enjoy especially after the mechanical, stessful life..


Friday, July 23, 2010

Hectic Week

It has really been a hectic week....

My son was not feeling well, had to take him to the doctor, drop and pick my daughter from school, hhhhhuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh....lots of running around. Apart from this I had work pressure also.
I had 2 sleepless nights.......

I just hope my son to get well soon. Poor Trivikrama, he has fever and a very bad cough....

Ok catch you around..........

Busy life

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Off to School

June 2, 2010 --- First day of school for Trivikrama and Sushkruthi

There were all fine....cooperated well, got into the car happily, thinking they were going to go for a jolly drive. After all they did not know what school was..

Both of them cried and my heart was a bit heavy...But thats the way it is!!!!

June 3, 2010 --- Crying...
June 4, 2010 --- Crying continued..
June 7, 2010 --- Still crying...
June 8, 2010 --- This was the day when both of them did not cry...For the first time they were happy to be in the school and there was a bit of relief for me...

And now, they really got used to the routine and they have started to enjoy the school...


Friday, May 7, 2010


It has been a long time and I have not been blogging for quite a long time now. There was a problem with my hard disc and I was not able to check my mails. Sometimes I just wonder how the system gets conked just at the right time. I feel so handicapped without the system.

But there has been no major happenings. Life has quite been the same.

Rest in next....


Friday, April 23, 2010


This post is truly dedicated to my beloved parents. Their unconditional love is truly amazing. When I was young, when my father used to go out, I used to run and open the gate for him. When he takes his vehicle out, I used to close the gate and say bye to him. But now, I do not even bother to say a bye. I am just engrossed in some work or the other. I used to help my mom with mopping the floor. But now, I just do not extend a helping hand. In reality, when they were young, they didn't need all this. Only now, when they are a bit aged, they need our love, affection and caring.

Just think guys....Are we, as children, giving our parents the right kind of attention....

My heart feels heavy....

I JUST LOVE YOU MOM AND DAD. If you both are not there, I am a big ZERO...

I never mention thanks...but now in the blog, I thank you for everything you have done.

Beloved daughter


Thursday, April 22, 2010


A very addictive game. But I truly love this game.


Farming now and often



I JUST CANNOT BELIEVE. Trivikrama and Sushkruthi are already 2 years and 2 months. Time flies so fast.

They can talk, walk, run, jump and just can do all the naughty things. DOUBLE TERRIBLE....

And now it's time to put them in a playschool. GOT TO SEARCH FOR ONE!!!!

Busy MOM...



"FEBRUARY 9, 2008, 9:12 and 9:13 HOURS" --- This is one of my best possible day and moments in my life. My sweet, cutie pies were born and thereby a NEW MOTHER was born.

My joy knew no bounds.

The kiddos have transformed me to a complete WOMAN.

LOVE you both



Tuesday, April 20, 2010


One of my smallest dreams was to learn driving. I really had the passion for driving. But I never got the right time to learn it.

On February 26, 2010, I registered with a driving school. Twenty-one days of classes (the last one would be the test) was the schedule. But it really took almost 2 months for me to complete the course. To pen down the fact, I had completed only 19 classes.

On April 15, 2010, my driving test was conducted at the RTO office, Pondicherry. I was sure tensed, with the brake-inspector sitting beside me and noticing the way I change the gear, the way I switch my leg from brake to accelerator, etc.

But that moment when he wrote "PASS" was the ultimate moment of JOY...

My license is yet to come, but I am sure MY DREAM HAS PARTLY COME TRUE......partly because I am yet to practice driving thoroughly before I can confidently drive on the roads.




Hi friends...

I have just created this blog, and I thought I would just pen down all my memories, cherished moments and daily happenings. I am not sure if I would be a regular blogger but I am sure to I would at least try to...

So catch you around...

