My Blog List

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


One of my smallest dreams was to learn driving. I really had the passion for driving. But I never got the right time to learn it.

On February 26, 2010, I registered with a driving school. Twenty-one days of classes (the last one would be the test) was the schedule. But it really took almost 2 months for me to complete the course. To pen down the fact, I had completed only 19 classes.

On April 15, 2010, my driving test was conducted at the RTO office, Pondicherry. I was sure tensed, with the brake-inspector sitting beside me and noticing the way I change the gear, the way I switch my leg from brake to accelerator, etc.

But that moment when he wrote "PASS" was the ultimate moment of JOY...

My license is yet to come, but I am sure MY DREAM HAS PARTLY COME TRUE......partly because I am yet to practice driving thoroughly before I can confidently drive on the roads.



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