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Friday, April 23, 2010


This post is truly dedicated to my beloved parents. Their unconditional love is truly amazing. When I was young, when my father used to go out, I used to run and open the gate for him. When he takes his vehicle out, I used to close the gate and say bye to him. But now, I do not even bother to say a bye. I am just engrossed in some work or the other. I used to help my mom with mopping the floor. But now, I just do not extend a helping hand. In reality, when they were young, they didn't need all this. Only now, when they are a bit aged, they need our love, affection and caring.

Just think guys....Are we, as children, giving our parents the right kind of attention....

My heart feels heavy....

I JUST LOVE YOU MOM AND DAD. If you both are not there, I am a big ZERO...

I never mention thanks...but now in the blog, I thank you for everything you have done.

Beloved daughter



  1. Am sure we all are some of the most lucky ones on earth....wunderful parents we have...and can never ask for more! yeah our turn to open gates n wave the simple morning and evening byes .... with our schedule now... will surely mean more to them than ever....will try to keep up with the simple wunderful child within alive! nice read in the morning Sri..keep it coming!

  2. Very true...we kind of understand this much better as we age and enter into parenting!!!

  3. @ Shree: Thanks so much Shree....
    @ Vidya: Yes, very rightly said. Only when we enter into parenting, we really understand the unconditional love of our parents.
